Home was amazing. I had a fantastic birthday, spent a good amount of time at the cabin, and didn't do any work. Just how a vacation should be!
I was only in Edinburgh one day after break, and then I headed down to London! It was very different going without the family. I felt like I was a real Londoner, going by tube into the cty at 8 am, getting back around 6 pm. It was tons of fun working at the Museum. It was like living someone else's life for a week! Below is a picture of the park that I ate lunch in most days.
After spending my week there, a couple of the girls took the train down to meet me for the weekend. We had a great time doing the tourist part of London, which I haven't done in ages. It was fun getting to see all the attractions again. I had a blast playing tour guide! The weather was fairly nice in the morning, but as you can see from the picture below- a storm was imminent!
For some reason we got ... lucky? and got to see two different rallies. One at Parliament and one at Trafalgar square. It was pretty cool, especially with the way the weather was acting! Very foreboding! I feel like I should have something really metaphorical to say about the picture. But I'm not that deep.
Overall it was a really amazing trip. Glad to be home, but loved getting the chance to wander around London. Below is us, victorious after a nice long weekend of walking, wine and overall awesomeness. (We won't discuss the Newcastle fiasco!)
Now that I'm back its down to business. Time to put my head down and really focus on my studies. I have a dissertation of 15,000 words to write. This week has been spent mainly working on the methods and writing up my London research. I'm 16% done with the paper, and not slowing down at all!
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