Ahh Sunday morning. There is something relaxing about a Sunday morning. My Fridays through Sundays don't really have anything different- no classes, nothing planned during the days, pretty much I do the same thing each day. But for some reason Sunday just feels better. Maybe its because of the better crosswords, or maybe its just conditioning. What I do miss about Sundays is having someone make me pancakes and reading a paper. Sigh.
Since Thursday things have been pretty low key for me. I received my first package from my parents: hooray for the loot! They know exactly what makes me happy: oatmeal, peanut butter, kashi bars, craisins, and books.
Friday and Saturday were pretty chill. I didn't get much work done, but I think I deserve that after a week of good solid work. Made some nice meals for myself from some great fresh bread I picked up. One of the great things about food here is that I can pick up a fresh loaf of wheat bread thats only a two minute walk from my house. The bad thing is that the bread goes bad quickly so I have to eat the whole loaf in less than 48 hours. That means every meal has some incorporated into it.
Last night we went out for dinner and a flat party. This was supposed to be a big night for me: I was going to break my vegetarian streak with a buffalo burger. Sadly the burger place was full up. We ended up at a sushi place- where I remained vegetarian. Oh well.
I don't really understand sushi- especially whatever that orange stuff is. But it was tasty. Our group then headed off to the party which was in an amazing flat right off of the park. It was fun- although some of us (me included) might have partied a little too hard. Again, I think I deserved it.
Exhausted this morning (thats what happens when you don't go to bed until 2). Luckily I don't have much work- just a few dissertation things to get through.
Tonight I have a wine tasting team meeting, and of course, THE SUPERBOWL!!! To answer the burning questions:

-Will I get to watch the game? Yes, but it starts at 11pm so I'm only watching the first quarter or so.
-Will I get to have cheese sauce and chips and wings and beer? No, probably not. Again, its at 11pm and they don't have velveeta.
-Who are you rooting for? Colts. I cannot bring myself to root for Saints since the bro likes that team and as you know, siblings cannot root for the same team.
-What are you going to miss the most? I'd have to say Family party. Yum chicken wing dip. Nothing is better than having superbowl with your family all around. As much as I love watching the game itself, if I could give up the game to see my family for a night I would.
Time to go back to studying. The goals for today include reading up on joint disease, finishing my dissertation proposal, and getting ready for the week ahead which includes cleaning the room, skyping the parents and filling out the agenda.