This week has been a pretty normal week for me. Classes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. But there are two exciting things that happened today.
The first was the return of my grades from my first semester essays. I wrote about 90 pages for the first semester, and I just got back 2/3rds of it. Now- grading here goes a little differently. It actual happens the way that it probably should. C is an average grade that in a bell curve most people will get. At home a C is about a 75. Here a C is a 50. Makes sense right? So I had already prepared myself for getting a lower grade than normal. The grading scheme is as follows:
A= 70+
B= 60 to 69
C= 50 to 59
D= 40 to 49
So... without further adieu, I received a 74 and 75! If I get 70+ on all of my courses and dissertation I will graduate with distinction. So I'm on my way.
We had a post-grad wine and cheese party tonight. It was fun and we got free mugs! Afterwards, we met up with some friends to go out for Malaysian, but it was closed for Chinese new year.
So the other big news: we had to go to a different restaurant and ended up at the Green Mantle which is known for their buffalo burgers.

Yes, I've broken my vegetarian spree since the New Year. I've been reading the Omnivore's Dilemma (actually just finished it on Monday) and from this I've decided that vegetarianism is not a good choice. However, I don't want to eat anything that itself has eaten poorly. So grass-fed buffalo burgers is good. Wild caught salmon is great. So I'm veggie unless I can get awesome grass-fed farm raised happy meat.
Back to work on the dissertation and essays. Mmmmm- burger feels gooooooood.
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