Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pancake Day!

Happy Pancake Day!!!!

Today is Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, or as we will be celebrating in Edinburgh: Pancake Day. I have to say, it's much more exciting to look forward to lent when you're full of the syrupy goodness of a stack of pancakes.

We're making pumpkin pancakes in honor of the day. It was a close tie with blueberry, but since we have the pumpkin puree, and I don't think we'll be making more pie, it had to be pumpkin. Sadly I didn't get to take a photo of the beatiful pumpkin and walnut pancakes (which were declicious and should be made more), because they were too good and had to be eaten immediately.

I got a package! Huzzah for the Valentine's package. I was so excited to get back from the gym and find out that I had it waiting for me. My parents went me a shirt, and the movie "Zombieland". I haven't seen it yet, but everyone says its my kind of movie. I think I will save it for this weekend when I can really enjoy every second of it.

Spent most of my day working hard on my archaeology final, only to discover that I may have been going down the wrong pathway all day, am utterly confused, and probably just need to let it be. Don't you hate when you get started on something and realize that you're not any closer to the goal. Dang.

Attempting making microwave cookies for dessert. It turned into a chewy oatmeal raisin crepe instead. So I slathered it with my awesome jam and ate it anyway.

Tomorrow begins lent. I guess I'll give up chocolate (HA!).

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